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About Ovni

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  1. Thanks Ichigo for the info. :)
  2. Ovni

    Sonic 3 in 1 (Hack)

    Always we can use the Tursi hack to create a new Sonic compilation if this one not work as expected. :D
  3. Anyone known were I can find any info. regarding about this Snes multicart menu ?
  4. Ovni

    Sonic 3 in 1 (Hack)

    That's right X-death and Sonic 3 have some bugs too in real hardware in this compilation.
  5. Ovni

    Sonic 3 in 1 (Hack)

    Yes X-Death I can share the code with you :) Source Code : http://www.mediafire.com/file/b0o4s200y0u5e06/Sonic+3+in+1+%2B+source+code.rar I also recomend you to see this and download the source of that one too :): https://forums.sonicretro.org/index.php?showtopic=36121
  6. Thanks to all :) Yes @Killi I'm form Puerto Rico. The user info. show USA because PR is a US territory ;)
  7. Ovni

    Sonic 3 in 1 (Hack)

    Awesome multicart, I have the source code of this multicart and is very, very impressive the work done by vladicomper in this compilation.
  8. Hello ; :D My name is Ovni I am 40 years old and I'm from PR. My passion is games, series, movies, comics, electronics in general. I play games since the Atari 2600 release. My favorite retro console of all times is the MD. My favorite game company of all times is SEGA. I'm here trying to find some help. I have some knoledge on consoles that I adquire over time reading, on internet and with practice and error. Snes, MD, SMS, XBOX, Xbox 360, Xbox PSOne, 2,3, and so on. I have a collection over 500 games originals and cartmods that I want to rise :) Thanks to give me the oportunity to be part of this site and I will try my best to help.
  9. Well I have that question : Why the forum have blocked content ?
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