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Messages posté(e)s par remy

  1. Sony???s DualShock 3 controller can be seen in a number of projects here on Hackaday. There???s a reason for this: it???s easy to sniff the Bluetooth signals coming out of this controller and make any electronics project do your remote control bidding. Bluetooth has a fairly limited range, though, so what happens if you???d like to use this very comfortable and very functional controller over a mile or so? Just replace the mainboard of the controller with a new design using an Xbee radio. It???s a great project from the workbench of [Marcel] and looks to be just the solution for an awesome Xbee remote control.Sony???s DualShock 3 controller can be seen in a number of projects here on Hackaday. There???s a reason for this: it???s easy to sniff the Bluetooth signals coming out of this controller and make any electronics project do your remote control bidding. Bluetooth has a fairly limited range, though, so what happens if you???d like to use this very comfortable and very functional controller over a mile or so? Just replace the mainboard of the controller with a new design using an Xbee radio. It???s a great project from the workbench of [Marcel] and looks to be just the solution for an awesome Xbee remote control.

    The Sony DualShock 3 controller is designed around a single main board for the bulk of the electronics and analog sticks with three daughterboards used for every other button on the controller. [Marcel] took the main board out of his controller and stated to reverse engineer the thing, keeping the USB charging, PC communication, force feedback and LED indicators. Instead of Bluetooth as in the original circuit, [Marcel] used a 60mW XBee radio, allowing him to control just anything connected to another XBee radio with a range of up to a mile.

    [Marcel]???s new main board is a direct drop in replacement for the original DualShock 3 mainboard, and the only modification to the controller is drilling a small hole for the new antenna. It???s a great piece of kit for RC vehicles of any kind, and it???s fully programmable for whatever robotics project you might have in mind.

    Thanks {Roel] for sending this one in.


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  2. The company which [Eric Wright] works for recently bought a Nintendo VS. It had Ice Climber installed as one of the titles but they asked the vendor if it was possible to swap it out for the Duck Hunt ROM. They had the ROM but not a light gun that would work with the system. [Eric] suggested they buy it with Duck Hunt and hack an NES Zapper to work with the VS cabinet.


    The company which [Eric Wright] works for recently bought a Nintendo VS. It had Ice Climber installed as one of the titles but they asked the vendor if it was possible to swap it out for the Duck Hunt ROM. They had the ROM but not a light gun that would work with the system. [Eric] suggested they buy it with Duck Hunt and hack an NES Zapper to work with the VS cabinet.



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  3. Tiens, par exemple, j'ai jamais trouvé sur le net une bonne méthode pour décoller les étiquettes de cartouches sans effort. Et finalement en faisant plusieurs essais, j'ai trouvé un truc super : faire baigner les coques de cartouche dans de l'eau chaude pendant 1h (après démontage et retrait du PCB !), puis grattage de l'étiquette avec une spatule métallique pour retirer la couche supérieure. Le reste du papier part ensuite très bien en frottant avec un sopalin imbibé d???essence F.


    Ce genre d'info ne révolutionne pas le cartmod mais ça fait gagner du temps ;)


    et pourtant la méthode a été décrite plusieurs fois sur le forum !!!

  4. [foo] sent in this amazingly well done mod to add an SNES controller to a PSP. He was contacted with a request to mod a PSP for someone who had limited use of one hand. The PSP controls were too difficult for her, but miraculously, she could play an SNES controller well.



    [foo] sent in this amazingly well done mod to add an SNES controller to a PSP. He was contacted with a request to mod a PSP for someone who had limited use of one hand. The PSP controls were too difficult for her, but miraculously, she could play an SNES controller well. The quality of the mod is very nice. [foo] has added a port on the back that the controller plugs into. Other than the port on the back, the PSP looks completely stock and functions fine. When plugged in, the cable and plug act as a stand for the PSP too. Check out the video after the break for more.



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  5. The Nintendo Four Score was a controller attachment for the original Nintendo Entertainment System which allowed you to use four controllers at one time. [simon Inns] wanted to use some original NES controllers on his computer so he developed a drop-in replacement board that converts the device to USB.



    The Nintendo Four Score was a controller attachment for the original Nintendo Entertainment System which allowed you to use four controllers at one time. [simon Inns] wanted to use some original NES controllers on his computer so he developed a drop-in replacement board that converts the device to USB.

    As we

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  6. Un « modder » anglais qui officie sous le pseudonyme de Bacteria, a réalisé la console ultime. Baptisée Project Unity, elle réunit 15 consoles plus ou moins rétro en une seule, avec une manette unique. De la Atari 7800 à la PlayStation 2, en passant par la NES, la Super NES ou encore la dreamcast, elle capable grâce aux fonctionnalités de rétrocompatibilité de faire tourner 18 formats.




    La chose se présente comme une grande boîte en bois percée afin d???accueillir divers jeux. La chose pèse une vingtaine de kilos et lui a couté 700 livres sterling soit environ 900 euros, mais la description n???indique pas clairement si ce tarif inclut le prix des consoles et des jeux. Pour fonctionner avec toutes les machines, la manette comporte 16 boutons, trois joysticks et une croix directionnelle.

    Il a fallu environ 3500 h de travail et près de 300 mètres de câble au bidouilleur pour finir sa création. Il détaille plus longuement le procédé de fabrication dans une vidéo de présentation, ci-dessous.



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  7. bien sur la pub permet de payer une partie de l???hébergement du site faut pas ce leurrer !! mais bon je nous vous cache pas que depuis que sa a été mis en place ( 3 mois ) je suis a peine a 4??? de gain


    bien sur les gains me permette aussi de financer d'autre projet sans avoir recourt a des dons !!!!!!


    maintenant si tous le monde joue le jeux de l'upload des photo sur le site déja sa evite de voir des photos disparaitre et personne ne sera pénaliser !!!

  8. j'ai mis sa surtout pour les photos !!


    vu que je vois que la pluspart utilise des hebergeur externe qui ne sont pas fiable, alors je pénalise !!!!


    il est pourtant simple d'utiliser l'upload des photo du site !!!!



    voila c'est sur qu'apres quelques lien externe c'est dommage, mais je ne peux pas m'amuser a faire le trie entre les liens externe et les liens photo !!!

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